Antenne d'Aigre
Rue des Halles
16140 Aigre
Phone : 05 45 21 26 70
http://www.ruffecois-tourisme.comPays Ruffécois TourismeAigre, situated to the north of Cognac possesses the oldest existing Cognac"house", dating from 1755.It is a calm and tranquil market town with a mild agreeable climate.
Builton alluvial soil and watered by a channelled stream, the Osme, which borders many of is houses. Tne olders parts of Aigre are typified by narrow lanes, small domestic gardens and little bridges, ideal ,for strolling, exploring and relaxing.
The Aigre region is rich in historial interest: Tuson, Saint-Fraigne, Marcillac-Lanville are equally interesting.