
Art and craft, Art, Craft and Gallery en Charente

    Arts and Crafts
    Meeting with fascinated craftsmen and artists talented height. They express their know-how through unique works according to their imagination and to their inspiration. For the public, the result is always a pleasant surprise... Only for the pleasure of your eyes!
17 en Charente.
Register your touristic spot en Charente it's free (in French)

Art, Craft and Gallery in Bréville


Corinne Garcia Le Bourg 16370 Bréville (Charente)
Phone : 05 45 82 81 48
Comment parler des créations de Corinne Garcia, sans devenir lyrique?
Les bois précieux aux couleurs vives, les essences naturelles, qu'elle choisit pour sa marqueterie, font rêver à un monde où ...
Register your touristic spot en Charente it's free (in French)